Maintenance Issues?
How to submit a maintenance request:
Please use your tenant portal to submit all general maintenance requests. Please be sure to include ALL relevant information in the maintenance request. By submitting via the portal, you have freedom to set your availability, explain the maintenance issue, and schedule repairs.
If you have any issues with submitting a request via the tenant portal, please email one of our team members with the issue at hand, the address, and unit number if applicable. Please be sure to include ALL relevant information to the maintenance issue in the email.
How to submit an emergency request:
An emergency exists when health and safety is compromised, or property damage has occurred or is about to occur. To report an emergency, call (866) 862-9970. Report the specific incident, your telephone number, and the property address. If the emergency involved a fire or something similar, please notify the proper authorities (911) first.
Do not call the emergency answering service during business hours with non-emergency or non-maintenance issues. This service is strictly for emergency maintenance only.
Who does what?
All breakdowns, system failures and structural defects to the property must be reported to Prime PM immediately. If an urgent repair is needed, you are responsible for stopping further damage from occurring if possible and safe to do so (e.g. if there is a leak, you are responsible for stopping the water source until Prime PM can make the repair. Likewise, if the problem is electrical, turn off the breaker until a repairman is available.) You will not be reimbursed for any unauthorized repairs you make.
Examples of maintenance you are expected to do at your own expense.
Replace light bulbs.
Torn or damaged screens.
Replace heat and A/C filters each quarter.
Treat for spiders, bees, etc. after 14 days of lease start.
Keep flower beds edged and weeded.
Replace batteries in smoke detectors.
For properties with included lawn care please take care to not block access to lawn areas or leave pet waste or other items in the lawn or sidewalk areas.
Examples of repairs maintenance will be made at no expense to you.
Repairs to heat and A/C systems from normal use.
Replace heating units or hot water tanks from normal use.
Repair leaks in the roof.
Replace or repair any part of plumbing which fails from normal use.
Remove broken electrical components.
Repair/repaint rotted wood.
Treat for termites.
Examples of repairs for which you will be held responsible.
Replace heating elements/hot water tanks if caused by empty tank.
Any unusual damage to any of the floors, walls, ceilings, caused by pets, animals, children, guests, smoking, or any unreasonable use.
Damage to fences, outside walls, shrubbery, trees, or plantings.
Damage caused by your failure to notify us promptly under the circumstance of any repair needed, where prompt notice would have resolved the issue.